Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-3237 Database Backup failed. {0} CTC failed to backup the specified
EID-3238 Send PDIP setting on {0} is inconsistent with that of control
node {1}
The send payload defect indicator path
(PDI-P) setting on the specified item should
be consistent with that of the specified
control node.
EID-3239 The overhead termination is invalid Refer to the error message text.
EID-3240 The maximum number of overhead terminations has been
Overhead terminations have exceeded the
EID-3241 The {0} termination port is in use. The specified termination port is in use.
Select another port.
EID-3242 An {1} exists on the selected ports.
Therefore, you must create the {0}s one by one.
The specified DCC already exists on the
selected port. You can create a DCC of
another type.
WID-3243 The port you have chosen as an {0} endpoint already supports
an {1}. The port cannot support both DCCs. After the {0} is
created, verify that no EOC alarms are present and then delete
the {1} to complete the downgrade.
The same port can not be used by multiple
EID-3244 An {0} exists on the selected ports.
Therefore, you must create the {1}s one by one.
The specified DCC already exists on the
selected port. You can create a DCC of
another type.
WID-3245 The port you have chosen as an {1} endpoint already supports
an {0}. The port cannot support both DCCs. After the {1} is
created, verify that no EOC alarms are present and then delete
the {0} to complete the upgrade.
The port selected as a DCC endpoint
already supports another DCC. Refer to the
warning message text.
EID-3246 Wizard unable to validate data: {0} CTC encountered an error.
EID-3247 Ordering error. The absolute value should be {0} The absolute value entered was wrong.
EID-3248 Wrong parameter is changed: {0} CTC changed the incorrect parameter.
EID-3249 Invalid voltage increment value. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3250 Invalid power monitor range. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3251 Unable to complete requested action. {0} CTC could not complete the specified
EID-3252 No download has been initiated from this CTC session. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3253 Reboot operation failed. {0} Refer to the error message text.
EID-3254 Validation Error. {0} The Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) was
unable to validate the values entered by the
user, specified by {0}. This error message is
common to several different provisioning
tabs within the CTC.
EID-3255 Cannot change timing configuration, manual/force operation is
Refer to the error message text.
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description