Issue 7 May 1998 IN-7
conf/trans_flag parameter, 4-60, 5-20
button, 12-29
feature interactions, 12-27
interactions, 3-59
conference calls, Flexible Billing, 10-5
conference, interaction with Selective Listening, 12-29
Conference, Single-Step, xxxiii, 3-36, 3-38, 4-2, 4-3, 4-56,
5-2, 5-4, 5-5, 5-34, 5-35, 12-50, 12-52
ACD, 14-2
ASAI integration with a VRU, 2-18
ASAI with a VRU, 2-19
multiple adjuncts/single link, 2-16, 2-18
single link/multiple adjuncts, 2-17
single link/single processor, 2-1
supported by ASAI, 2-1
supported in ASAI, 2-16
using gateway, 2-18
Connected Event Report
call_id, 3-38
cause, 3-38
connected party number, 3-38
description, 3-36
generating, 3-36
II-digits, 3-38
items, 3-7, 3-36
multiple reports, 3-36
party_id, 3-38
connected number parameter, 5-21
connected party number, Single-Step Conference, 3-38
connectors, DEFINITY LAN Gateway, 13-3, 13-6
considerations, Single-Step Conference, 4-59
Consult, feature interactions, 12-29
consultation scenarios, A-10
controlled calls, 3-2
conventions, document, xxxviii
Converse agent, 12-25
COR, see Class of Restriction
COS, see Class of Service
country characters, 9-9
coverage path interactions, VDN, A-56
coverage, AUDIX, 3-27
coverage, direct-agent, 12-33
customer database-provided digits (cdpd), 2-8, 12-25
Customer Options form, Lookahead Interflow, 12-24
customer-entered digits (ced), 2-8, 12-25
Cut-Through Event Report
call_id, 3-40
description, 3-40
generating, 3-40
items, 3-7, 3-40
party_id, 3-41
progress indicator, 3-41
Data Calls, feature interactions, 12-29
data extensions, 5-3
Data Screen Delivery and Voice/Data Transfer, 2-7
Data Screen Delivery and Voice/Data Transfer
application, 2-7
Data Screen Delivery and Voice/Data Transfer, sample
scenario, 2-7
data screen delivery, with call prompting, 2-8
Date and Time Query, 9-2
DCP terminals, 9-9
DCS, feature interactions, 12-29
DCS, see Distributed Communications System
DEFINITY ECS Administrations forms, 14-7
administration, 13-2, 13-5, 13-8
as shipped from factory, 13-11
brouter, 13-1, 13-9, 13-10
cables, 13-3, 13-6
connectors, 13-3, 13-6
LAN network administration, 13-4, 13-7
protocol, 13-9
security, 13-4, 13-7
system assembly, 13-1, 13-2, 13-5, 13-10
DEFINITY LAN Gateway (Ethernet) link, 2-1
denial causes, Single-Step Conference, 4-58, 5-36
Call Forwarding, 9-13
direct-agent calls, 4-32
Message Waiting Lamp, 9-13
Send All Calls, 9-13
Set Value, 10-3
switch-classified calls, 4-18
user-classified calls, 4-23
Value Query, 9-12
dest_addr parameter, 4-4, 4-9, 4-34, 5-26
dest_addr parameters, 4-29
dest_route_select parameter, 4-4, 4-9, 4-19, 4-25, 5-26, 7-7
dialed number identification service, see DNIS, 2-5
predictive, 2-3, 2-4
preview, 2-3, 2-4
Dialogic Corporation, as business partner, 14-9
digit collection, network-provided, 2-8, 12-25
digit_coll_timeout parameter, 7-8
digits, II, C-4
direct agent call with RONA, A-53
direct agent calls in queue, indications, 12-31
direct agent calls, analog sets, 12-4
direct_agent_call parameter, 4-9, 4-20, 4-25, 4-29, 4-34, 7-7
direct-agent call, 4-28
direct-agent call, logical, 4-28
Direct-Agent Calling, feature interactions, 12-30
direct-agent calls
delivering, 12-33