Event Reporting and U-Abort Capabilities
3-58 Issue 7 May 1998
Table 3-2 provides a summary of the call merging rules described above.
Allowed via Third Party Merge on Call Control
Allowed on a Third Party Merge of a Domain (Station) Control Association
Rules for Merging Two Calls with UUI
1. In transfer and conference scenarios in which UUI is associated with both
calls, the UUI associated with the resulting call is kept for the new call.
2. In transfer and conference scenarios in which UUI is associated with either
one of the two calls, the UUI is associated with the resulting call.
3. If a call with UUI is held to initiate a transfer or conference, and the second
call is placed without UUI, then the following occurs: If the event is sent
before the two calls are merged by the completion of the conference or
transfer, an event report or ISDN message sent about the second call will
not include UUI.
Table 3-2. Call Merge Summary
Calls Characteristics
Sent to:
Call Ended
Sent to:
1. Call-Ctl & Call-Ctl
Ctl Assoc Resultant Assoc Other Ctl Assoc
2. Monitored & Monitored Monitored Resultant Assoc Other
3. Call-Ctl & non-Ctl &
Call-Ctl Call-Ctl Assoc
4. Monitored &
Monitored Monitored Monitored
5. Call-Ctl & Monitored Both Both Monitored
6. Dom-Ctl & Dom-Ctl
Both Both —
7. Dom-Ctl & Call-Ctl
Both Both —
8. non-Ctl non-Monitored Dom-Ctl Dom-Ctl Dom-Ctl —
9. Dom-Ctl & Monitored Both Both Monitored
10. Monitored/Ctl/Dom-Ctl All All