ASAI and Call Control
Issue 7 May 1998
■ Mandatory Information Element missing (CS0/96)
The party_id is missing in the request.
■ User busy (CS0/17)
The user is busy (active) on another call.
■ User not responding (CS0/18)
The party was on-hook when the request was made and it did not go
off-hook within five seconds (call remains on hold).
■ Resources not available (CS3/43)
The call cannot be reconnected due to too many parties already on the call
or other ECS-specific resource problems.
Protocol Error (NAK) Causes
The ECS issues the following cause for generating a protocol processing error:
■ Protocol error (CS0/111)
The Q.932 protocol has been violated or the capability invoked is not
consistent with this association. For example, invoking the Third Party
Make Call capability on a Domain Control association is inconsistent.
For more information regarding protocol errors and a complete list of
reason codes (cause values), see the
DEFINITY Enterprise
Communications Server CallVisor ASAI Protocol Reference
The adjunct uses previously received information about the party to release it from
the held state. This party must have been placed on (hard or soft) hold from the
station set or via the adjunct. A party may be reconnected only to the same call
from which it had been put on hold as long as there is no other active call at the
user’s station. If the party is already reconnected on the specified call when the
ECS receives the request, a positive ACK is returned.
If the user is on-hook (in the held state), the ECS must be able to force the station
off-hook or the user must go off-hook within five seconds after requesting a Third
Party Reconnect. If one of the above conditions is not met, the request is denied
and the party remains held.
If the user is listening to dial tone while a request for Third Party Reconnect is
received, the dial tone is dropped and the user is reconnected to the held call.
If the user is listening to any other kind of tone (for example, denial) or is busy
talking on another call, the Third Party Reconnect request is denied (CS0/17).