iv Issue 7 May 1998
Predictive Dialing 2-4
Inbound Call Management 2-5
ACD Call Activity Monitoring 2-6
Data Screen Delivery and Voice/Data Transfer 2-7
Data Screen Delivery with Call Prompting 2-8
Speech Processing Integration 2-8
Adjunct Routing 2-9
Information Sources for Routing 2-10
Logging for Call Back 2-11
Automatic Agent Reconfiguration 2-12
Sequence Dialing 2-12
■ Office Automation 2-12
Incoming Call Identification 2-13
Phone Management and Directory Services 2-13
Message Desk 2-14
■ Additional Configurations 2-16
Contacting Lucent Technologies 2-20
3 Event Reporting and U-Abort Capabilities 3-1
■ Introduction 3-1
Event Reporting Capability 3-1
U-Abort Capability 3-1
■ Event Reports 3-2
Capability Groups and Event Reporting 3-2
Call-Related Event Reporting 3-2
Non-Call-Related Event Reporting 3-3
Information Flow 3-3
Parameters 3-3
Event Reports and Corresponding Items 3-3
■ Alerting Event Report 3-9
Alerting Event Report Items 3-10
calling party number 3-10
trunk group number/trunk group member number 3-10
called party number (DNIS) 3-10
connected party number (alerting party number) 3-11
call_id 3-11
party_id 3-11