ASAI and Call Control
Issue 7 May 1998
Call Classification
All call-progress, audible tones are provided to the originating user (except that
user does not hear dial tone or touch tones). Call progress tones are reported to
the adjunct as events. For OCM preview dialing applications, final call
classification is done by the station user staffing the originating set (who hears the
call progress tones and manually records the result).
ECS Operation for Direct-Agent Call Setup
The ECS attempts to set up the call for the extension specified in the orig_addr.
Once the call is successfully originated, the ECS does not drop it regardless of
outcome. The only exception is the denial outcome which results in the intercept
tone being played for 30 seconds, after which the call is disconnected. The normal
audible tone is provided to the originating station user. It is then up to the
originating station user to drop such calls (either by going on-hook or via a
third-party request). For example, if the adjunct places a call to a busy destination,
the originator will be busy until he or she normally drops or until the adjunct sends
a Call Control command to drop the call.
Direct-Agent Call Originator
In order for the call to be placed, the calling endpoint’s voice set must have an
available call appearance for origination and must not be in the talking state on
any of the other call appearances. The calling endpoint is allowed to have a call
on hold.
The originator may go off-hook first, and then issue the Third Party Make Call
request. The ECS will originate the call on the call appearance with dial tone.
If the originator is off-hook busy, the call is not placed and the request is denied
(NAK/Return Error cause=CS0/17 — User busy).
If the calling endpoint is unable to originate, the ECS also denies the request
(cause=CS0/18 — No user responding).
If the originator is on-hook and has a speakerphone, the speakerphone is forced
off-hook and the call is originated.
alert_order Must not be present
service_circuit (classifier) Must not be present
return_ack [optional] If this parameter is present, it indicates
that the ECS should return an acknowledgment to
the request. If this parameter is not present, then the
ECS does not return an acknowledgment.