ASAI and Set Value Capabilities
10-2 Issue 7 May 1998
Set Value
The adjunct uses this capability to set the value of the message waiting Lamp
(MWL) and to set the billing rate of a 900-type call.
Information Flow
The adjunct expects a response to its request.
The ECS either acknowledges or denies the request.
Set Value Parameters
item [mandatory] Specifies the item to be set. MWL and Flexible
Billing are the only options presently available.
item_params [mandatory for MWL] For MWL, the on-PBX station
extension of the party (station) for which the MWL is to be set
call_id [mandatory for Flexible Billing] For Flexible Billing, this
ECS-assigned call identifier is used to associate event
reports and to identify a call that the adjunct wants to control.
The call identifier is unique within the ECS.
billing_type [mandatory for Flexible Billing] For Flexible Billing, one of the
following must be present:
■ New rate: Per minute rate that starts when message is
■ Flat rate: Time-independent rate
■ Premium charge: Flat charge in addition to existing rate
■ Premium credit: Flat negative charge in addition to
existing rate
■ Free call: Self-explanatory
amount [mandatory for Flexible Billing] Applies to first four values of
billing_type (Flexible Billing); not allowed for free call. Rate of
call in dollars and cents. Cannot be less than $0.00 or
greater than $999.99.
value [mandatory for MWL] For MWL, either on or off.