ASAI and Feature Interactions
Issue 7 May 1998
Do Not Disturb
Do Not Disturb can be activated by an ACD agent. Activation of this feature for the
agent blocks both personal calls and direct-agent calls from terminating at the
agent’s station. Regular ACD calls are still delivered to the ACD agent when this
feature is activated. This is because personal calls and direct-agent calls use the
agent’s COR for termination restriction checks, whereas regular ACD calls use
the split’s COR for termination restriction checks.
Drop Button Operation
The operation of this button is not changed with ASAI.
When the “Drop” button is pushed by one party in a two-party call, the
Disconnect/Drop Event Report is sent with the extension of the party that pushed
the button. The originating party receives dial tone and the Call Initiated Event
Report is reported on its domain-control associations.
When the “Drop” button is pushed by the controlling party in a conference, the
Disconnect/Drop Event Report is sent with the extension of the party who was
dropped off the call (that is, the last added party on a conference). This might be a
station extension or a group extension. A group extension is provided in situations
when the last added party to a conference was a group (for example, a TEG, split,
or announcement) and the “Drop” button was used while the group extension was
still alerting (or was busy). Since the controlling party does not receive dial tone (it
is still connected to the conference), no Call Initiated Event Report is reported in
this case.
Applications should use Single-Step Conference with the understanding that it
does not change the behavior of the “Drop” button on the set. A party added
through a Single-Step Conference will never be considered the ‘last added party’
on a call. Thus, parties added through a Single-Step Conference cannot be
dropped using a “Drop” button.
If a party added via Single-Step Conference presses the “Drop” button, it will drop
itself if it was part of two party call. If the call was a conference (3 or more parties),
the “Drop” button push is ignored.
The ASAI link is affected by processor interchanges which may result in a link
restart and loss of associations.