ASAI and Domain Control
Issue 7 May 1998
Protocol Error (NAK) Cause
The ECS issues the following cause for a protocol processing error:
■ Protocol error (CS0/111)
The Q.932 protocol has been violated or the capability invoked is not
consistent with this association. For example, invoking a Third Party
Domain Control Request over a Call Control association is inconsistent.
For more information regarding protocol errors and a complete list of
reason codes (cause values), see the
DEFINITY Enterprise
Communications Server CallVisor ASAI Protocol Reference
The “logout” event is reported for split domain-controlled associations when an
agent logs out of the split. This capability remains in effect for the split domain
until either the adjunct invokes the Third Party Relinquish Control capability, or the
ECS invokes the Third Party Domain Control Ended capability. Call control and
call-related events are not reported with this capability.
Starting with G3V4, the “login” event is reported for split domain-controlled
associations when an agent logs into the split for link version two or higher. It is
provided regardless of how the agent logs in (either manually through FACs or
through ASAI).
Caution should be used when EAS is active on DEFINITY ECS and multiple
Domain Control (split/skill) associations are also active. Each time the agent logs
in or out of the ECS, DEFINITY ECS will generate and send a login or logout
event report for each skill that is controlled. Users should be mindful of this
situation because an agent can have as many as 20 assigned skills.The ECS
processor occupancy and/or ASAI link traffic may be impacted.