ASAI and Call Control
Issue 7 May 1998
■ Call rejected (CS0/21)
The ECS drops the call due to an illegal action and/or request by the user
(for example, attempting to merge two outbound calls without disconnect
■ No answer (CS3/19)
The classifier does not detect answer within the allowed number of rings.
■ Answering Machine Detected (CS3/24)
The call was answered by an answering machine.
■ Incompatible Destination (CS0/88)
The classifier detects answer back tone.
■ No Circuit or Channel Available (CS0/34)
■ Unassigned Number (CS0/01)
■ Invalid Number/Domain (CS0/28)
■ Normal Unspecified/SIT — Vacant (CS0/31)
■ Normal, Unspecified (CS0/127)
This value is a normal drop cause value when something other than an
ISDN endpoint drops out of a connection. For example, when the host
issues a Third Party Make Call (User-Classified) from a station to an
announcement extension and the call is successfully completed. The
calling party hears the announcement and the call is dropped. The
Disconnect/Drop Event Report is also generated. See Chapter 3, ‘‘Event
Reporting and U-Abort Capabilities’’ for more information on the
Disconnect/Drop Event Report.
■ Denial/Reorder (CS3/42)
Provided when a Switch-Classified call (that has been answered by the far
end cannot be transferred to the intended split/VDN.