ASAI Release History
C-6 Issue 7 March 1998
MultiQuest Flexible Billing
This feature is an interface to the AT&T MultiQuest 900 Vari-A-Bill Service, an
inbound calling capability that allows an ASAI adjunct to change the rate at which
an incoming 900-type call is billed.
The ASAI adjunct also produces billing change messages.
Redirect Call
This feature allows an ASAI adjunct to direct the ECS to move an already alerting
call away from an extension (at which it is alerting) to another extension. Prior to
G3V4, such routing was possible only if ECS features, rather than an
ASAI-provided service, were used (for example, call forwarding or Send All Calls).
With this service, an application could, for example, determine, based on
call-related information, whether to answer the call or re-route it to some other
This service does not support removing a call from a queue. Only calls alerting at
extensions can be manipulated by this service.
ASAI-Accessed Integrated Directory Database
This feature allows an ASAI adjunct to access and retrieve administered
name-extension associations stored in the ECS (all administered names
associated with station extension numbers, trunk groups, and VDNs). The
application accesses this data via a new Value Query message containing the
target extension. If a valid Query Message is submitted, the ECS responds with a
RELease COMplete message containing the administered name associated with
the specified extension.
Event Report Capabilities
Enhancements to Event Reports allow ASAI adjuncts to receive Event Reports
when specified events occur at monitored objects. In addition, in the Alerting
Event Report, new cause values are provided to specify a reason for redirection.
The following are descriptions of new/changed Event Reports for G3V4:
Agent Login Event Report
This is a new Event Report provided when an agent logs into a monitored ACD
group or EAS skill. In contrast to earlier versions, current applications do not
preclude agents from logging in (or out) manually. (Previously, logging in could be