IN-6 Issue 7 May 1998
number held, on analog sets, 12-3
number in queue, 12-32
oldest in queue, 12-32
on hold, 12-43
outbound, 2-4
resulting in event reports, 3-2
Calls across Multiple ECS(s) scenarios, A-25
calls in queue, direct-agent, 12-31
calls monitoring charges, C-3
calls, Phantom, xxxiv, 4-24, 5-25, 12-1
Cancel button, 12-6
capabilities, Domain Control, 5-4
capability, 5-15
Event Notification Request, 6-3
Event Reporting, 3-1
Heartbeat, 11-2
Redirect Call, 5-17
restart, 11-5
Resume Alarms, 11-4
Route, 7-2
Route End, 2-10, 7-11
Route Request, 2-9
Route Select, 2-10, 7-6
Set Value, 10-2
Third Party Answer, 5-10
Third Party Auto Dial, 5-25
Third Party Domain (Station) Control Request, 5-6
Third Party Domain Control Ended, 5-38
Third Party Domain Control Request, ACD Split/EAS
Skill, 5-8
Third Party Merge, 5-20
Third Party Relinquish Control, 5-29
Third Party Selective Drop, 5-23
Third Party Selective Hold, 4-43, 5-13
Third Party Send DTMF Signals, 5-31
U-Abort, 3-1
Value Query, 9-2
Value Query Response, 9-15
capability categories, 1-2
controlling, 1-2
initiating, 1-2
terminating, 1-2
capability group
Domain Control, 1-1
Maintenance, 1-2
Notification, 1-1, 6-1
Request Feature, 1-2, 8-1
Routing, 1-2, 7-1
Set Value, 1-2
Value Query, 1-2
capability groups, Call Control, 4-1
capacity requirements, B-1
cause parameter, 7-11
cause values, special information tones, 4-13
cdpd, see customer database-provided digits.
CDR, see Call Detail Recording
ced, see customer-entered digits
Change ARS Digit Analysis Form, 14-7
change circuit-packs cabinet command, 13-2, 13-5
Change Hunt Group form, 14-7
char_seq parameter, 4-71, 5-31
Japanese Katakana, 9-9
non-standard European, 9-9
special, 9-9
charges for calls, C-3
Charging Event Report
call_id, 3-31
called number, 3-31
cause, 3-33
charge, 3-32
charging number, 3-31
description, 3-31
party_id, 3-31
trunk group, 3-32
type of charge, 3-32
CINFO, 7-3, C-4
circuit card, Packet Controller, 14-1
circuit packs
Call Classifier, 14-1
DS1 Interface, 14-1
Expansion Interface, 14-2
Facility Test, 14-1
for integrated announcements, 14-1
ISDN-BRI, 14-1
Packet Maintenance, 14-1
TN2170, 13-3
TN2208, 13-3
TN2208 (Ethernet), 13-2, 13-5
TN556 (BRI), 13-2
TN570, 14-2
TN776, 14-2
Class of Restriction
feature interactions, 12-26
form, 12-26
Class of Service, feature interactions, 12-27
codes, account, 12-43
codes, reason, C-4
cold starts, 10-4
Collect Digits (vector) command, 7-6, 12-24
Collect Digits, vector command, 2-8
collect_digits_flag parameter, 7-7
commands, 12-24
add station, 14-2
Adjunct Routing, 7-5, 12-23, 12-24
announcement vector, 12-11
change circuit-packs cabinet, 13-2, 13-5
Collect Digit (vector), 12-24
display station, 5-3
route to (vector), 12-11
route to numbers, 12-12
set options, 14-7
commands, (vector), collect digits, 7-6
Comments about this document, xli
common capabilities, 3-1
common capabilities, definition, 3-1
common_party_id parameter, 4-60, 5-20
components, hardware, 14-1