EPSON Stylus Color 900 Revision C
Operating Principles Overview 44
2.1 Overview
This chapter describes the operating principles of the printer
mechanism and electrical circuits.
2.2 Printer Mechanism Operating Principles
The EPSON Stylus Color 900 uses a new type of printhead. It has black
and color heads united in one unit which includes a total of 480 nozzles:
192 nozzles for black (96 nozzles x 2) and 96 nozzles for each color.
This printhead enables the printer to print 3 lines by one pass at 10-cpi
printing. Also, new ASF/pump switching mechanism offers higher
throughput with quick feeding motion at continuous printing by
combining the trigger solenoid and independent pump/ASF motor.
Production of PTS signal using the encoder belt also enables the printer
to improve printing accuracy, detect paper jam in the CR operational
range, and print during acceleration/deceleration (on normal paper / 360
x 360 dpi only).
See Figure 2-1 for the printer mechanism block diagram.