EPSON Stylus Color 900 Revision C
Disassembly and Assembly Disassembly Procedures 120
When installing the hopper assembly into the ASF
frame with the paper loading assemblies and LD roller
assemblies mounted on it, set the straight end (one of
the ends of each spring is bent straight) facing
upward. Then hook the straight end to the frame as
shown in the top figure below. After setting the
assembly, insert tweezers through the cutout in the
back of the ASF frame to release the straight end of
the compression spring as shown in the bottom figure
Figure 4-30. Hopper Assembly Installation
C om pression Spring 1.66
H ooks in the Fram e
C utout in the back of the ASF Fram e
Straight End of the
C om pression Spring (1.66)
Be sure to fix both right and left pegs on the ASF frame
securely into the sockets in the hopper assembly.
When installing the detection wheel onto the left end of the LD
roller shaft, align the protruding portion of the LD roller shaft
with the concave portion of the detection wheel.
Ensure that the left frame of the left paper loading assembly fits
correctly into the groove in the left part of the left edge guide in
the hopper assembly.
Make sure the bushing fixing the left hopper release lever by
the left part of the shaft is attached to the correct position as
shown in the figure below.
Figure 4-31. Assembling the ASF
H o p p e r A s s e m b ly G u id e
Left Fram e in the
L e ft P a
er Loadin
Assem bl
Bushing Fixing the Shaft