EPSON Stylus Color 900 Revision C
Adjustment Adjustments 153
5.2.6 Printhead Cleaning Using the Program
The service program for the Stylus Color 900 has the cleaning function.
The command is always executed with the most powerful cleaning
mode. Note the printer is not equipped with the dummy cleaning called
CL3. Therefore, you can attempt to solve the nozzle clogging problem
by pressing the Cleaning button on the control panel repeatedly.
1. Referring to Section 5.2.1, perform the preliminary operation.
2. Select “Maintenance” from the main adjustment menu.
3. The following screen appears.
Figure 5-42. Main maintenance Menu Screen
4. Select “Head Cleaning”.
5. The following screen appears.
Figure 5-43. Cleaning Screen
6. Press the Enter key.
7. To run the cleaning again, press the ESC key once to return to the
main maintenance menu and select “Head Cleaning”.
************ E P S O N S tylus C O LO R 900 S E R V IC E P RO G R A M V ersion 1.0 **************
<< M aintenance >>
E s c: Q u it U p /D o w n a rro w s: S e le ct E n te r: O K
Head Cleaning
Ink Charge Flag Reset
Indication of the counter value for the W aste Ink Pad
Fan Check
E sc : P re v io u s E n te r: O K
<<Powerful cleaning (CL2) will be done in this m ode.>>
M ode selection of the head cleaning
Head cleaning perform