EPSON Stylus Color 900 Revision C
Adjustment Adjustments 157
5.2.9 Fan Check
This program enables you to check the fan’s operational condition. In
the Stylus Color 900, the fan does not necessarily rotate when the
printer is turned on. Therefore, if the Head Hot Error (indication on the
panel: Ink Out Error) occurs frequently, the fan must be checked for its
1. Referring to Section 5.2.1, perform the preliminary operation.
2. Select “Fan Check” from the main maintenance menu.
3. The following screen appears.
Figure 5-50. Screen after “Fan Check” is Selected
4. As the screen (Figure 5-50) appears, the cooling fan starts rotating.
If the fan is rotating properly, select “Yes”, and the fan stops
5. If “No” is selected because the fan does not rotate, the following
screen appears. In this case, refer to the Service Manual / Chapter 3
“Troubleshooting” / “Fan does not rotate”, as the message prompts.
Figure 5-51.
Screen after “No” is Selected due to Fan’s Malfunction
E sc: P re v io u s U p /D o w n a rro w s: S e le ct E n te r: O K
Is the fan operation O K ?
Esc: Previous
Refer to Chap. 5 in Service m anual