EPSON Stylus Color 900 Revision C
Adjustment Adjustments 135
The purpose of the operation in Step 7 are:
To select CG; NLSP or STD.
To initialize various settings (user selectable settings).
8. In 5 or 6 seconds, the following screen appears.
Figure 5-3. Screen after Destination Selection
9. Option in the screen (Figure 5-3) means the following:
9-1. Perform: Select this to directly proceed to the main adjustment
9-2. No: Select this to return to the initial screen (Figure 5-1),
which lets you correct the wrong selection made in
Step 5 or Step 6.
9-3. Get: Select this to confirm the selection (model name/
destination) made in Step 5 orStep 6.
(See the note in the right column for details.)
If “Get (Check this model name)” is selected, the printer writes the
value selected in Step 5 into the EEPROM, then begins the
following routine to read the data; 1) Resets the Hardware 2)
Returns to the idles state 3) Reads the model name. For this
reason, the printer takes 25 - 30 seconds to read data. Since the
service program for the Stylus Color 900 shows the countdown to
inform the service person of the period of time to wait until the whole
process (from the writing to the EEPROM to reading data) is
10. Select “Perform (Boot this program)”.
11. The main adjustment screen shown in Figure 5-4 appears.
Figure 5-4. Main Adjustment Menu Screen
<*><*><*> Service Program boot process <*><*><*>
Do you start the Service Program ?
P erform (B oot this P R O G R A M )
No (Re-select model nam e)
G e t (C h e ck th is m o d e l n a m e )
E sc : Q u it U p /D o w n a rro w s: S e le ct E n te r: O K
E S C : Q u it U p /D o w n a rro w s: S e le ct E n te r: O K
********** E P S O N S tylus C O LO R 900 SERVICE PRO GRAM Version 1.2 **********
<><> SERVICE ITEM S <><>
< < A d ju stm e n t 1 > >
< < A d ju stm e n t 2 > >
< < M a in te n a n c e > >
< < P rin t A 4 P a tte rn > >