EPSON Stylus Color 900 Revision C
Product Description Features 10
The Stylus COLOR 900 is the latest in EPSON’s advanced lines of ink
jet printers and offering the following features.
High color print quality:
- 1440 (H) x720 (V) dpi printing
- Printing with 4 color inks (YMCK)
- Traditional and New Microweave
- Imprevement in color rendering using variable dot
Built-in auto sheet feeder:
- Holds 100 cut-sheets (64 g/m
- Holds 10 envelopes
- Holds 30 transparency fIlms
Built-in 3 I/F and 1 optional I/F card slot
- Mac serial I/F (up to approximately 1.8 Mbps)
- Bi-directional parallel I/F (lEEE-1284 level 1 device)
- Optional Type-B level 2 I/F card slot
4 scaleable fonts, 5 LQ fonts
13 character tables (Standard version)
37 character tables (NLSP version)
Figure 1-1. Stylus Color 900