Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
ASI-155 Line Module, LM-2OC3-SMFLR 5-17
ASI-155 Line Module, LM-2OC3-MMF 5-17
Y-Cabling of ASI Backcard, SMF-2-BC 5-17
BXM Cards, Access (UNI) Mode 5-17
Chapter 6 BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-1
Tag Switching 6-1
Dynamic Resource Partitioning for SPVCs 6-2
BXM Cards 6-2
BXM Capabilities 6-5
Features 6-5
ATM Layer 6-6
Service Types 6-7
Card Operation 6-8
BXM Front Card Indicators 6-8
BXM, Backcard Connectors 6-12
Y-Cabling of SMF-622 Series Backcards 6-16
BXM Functional Description 6-17
Overview, Port (UNI) Mode 6-17
Ingress 6-17
Egress 6-19
Overview, Trunk Mode 6-20
Ingress 6-20
Egress 6-21
Detailed Description, Port (UNI) and Trunk Modes 6-22
DRSIU 6-22
DeMux/Mux 6-22
RCMP 6-22
SABRE 6-23
Ingress and Egress Queue Engines 6-23
SIMBA 6-23
ACP Subsystem Processor 6-23
Fault Management and Statistics 6-24
Fault Management and Statistics, Port (UNI) Mode 6-24
Fault Management and Statistics, Trunk Mode 6-25
Technical Specifications 6-26
Physical Layer 6-26
General Information 6-26
General SONET Notes 6-27
User Commands 6-28
Connection Provisioning 6-28
Diagnostics 6-28
Test 6-28