Glossary E-5
A unit of data with a fixed number of bytes. For ATM the cell size is 53 bytes.
cell relay
A form of digital communications using fixed length cells consisting of data and a small header
IPX FastPacket was an early implementation of cell relay. The 53 byte ATM cell consists of data
and a small header.
CEPT is the European Conference of Posts and Telecommunications Administrations. This
association is comprised of European Telecommunications service providers that participate in
relevant areas of the work of CEN/CENELEC.
CGA (Carrier Group Alarm)
A major alarm condition for a T1 multiplexer or PABX that results in all channels being taken
out of service.
The logical end point for a connection.
circuit line
A T1 or E1 line that connects a user device, such as a PABX or channel bank to the IPX switch.
Carries customer DS0 voice and data circuits. (See also line.)
Cisco StrataView Plus
A Unix-based workstation and software used as a network management system (NMS) for Cisco
WAN switching networks. It is part of the StrataSphere group. Provides a graphical user interface
for configuration, maintenance, administration of the network. Collects and displays network
clear channel capability
When all eight bits of a channel word in the T1 line signal are available for transmitting customer
data with no restrictions on content. Also referred to as 64 Kbps clear channel.
A frame relay connection parameter that specifies the number of packets allowed in the initial
burst of data after which the data bandwidth is reduced to the connection's minimum specified
Consolidated Link Layer Management. A protocol used to transmit ForeSight messages across
the frame relay NNI port.
CLP (Cell loss priority)
Cell loss Priority. CLP Hi and CLP Lo thresholds are configurable.
Complex Gateway
Refers to interworking of a connection with respect to the IPX and IGX nodes. For example, in
a Frame Relay to ATM interworking, the Frame Relay data is extracted from FastPackets and
transformed to ATM cells with redundant overhead bits discarded.
composite data rate
The sum of the data rates for all circuits transmitting on the same synchronous or frame relay data