4-14 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
Broadband Network Interface Cards, BNI-155
Table 4-4 BNI-155 Front Panel Status Indicators
Table 4-5 BNI Front Panel Card Failure Indications
Status LED color Status Description
port off Trunk is inactive and not carrying data.
green Trunk is actively carrying data.
yellow Trunk is in remote alarm.
red Trunk is in local alarm.
card green (act) Card is on-line and one or more trunks on the card have been upped. If
off, card may be operational but is not carrying traffic.
yellow (stby) Card is off-line and in standby mode (for redundant card pairs). May not
have any upped trunks. If blinking, indicates card firmware or
configuration data is being updated.
red (fail) Card failure; card has failed self-test and/or is in a reset mode.
act stby fail Failure Description
on off on Non-fatal error detected; card is still active.
off on on Non-fatal error detected; card is in standby mode.
off blinking on Fatal error detected; card is in a reboot mode.
on on on Card failed boot load and operation is halted.