13-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
BPX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Network
Foresight for an IPX interface shelf terminated Frame Relay connections is provided end-to-end
between Frame Relay ports, regardless as to whether these ports reside on an IPX interface shelf or
within the routing network.
Preferred Routing
Preferred routing within the routing network can be used on all connections. Priority bumping is
supported within the routing network, but not in the interface shelves. All other connection features
such as conditioning, rrtcon, upcon, dncon, etc. are also supported.
Local and Remote Loopbacks
Connection local and remote loopbacks are managed at the user interface of the FRP endpoint
routing node or interface shelf. The existing IPX Frame Relay port loopback feature is supported on
the IPX interface shelf. Remote loopbacks are not supported for DAX connections. A new command
addlocrmtlp is added to support remote loopbacks at FRP DAX endpoints.
Testcon and Testdly
Tstcon is supported at the FRP endpoints in a non-integrated fashion and is limited to a pass/fail
loopback test. Fault isolation is not performed. This is the same limitation currently imposed on
inter-domain connections. Intermediate endpoints at the AIT and BNI cards do not support the tstcon
feature. Tstdelay is also supported for the FRP and ASI in a non-integrated fashion similar to that of
the tstcon command.
IPX Interface Shelf Description
The IPX interface shelf supports the termination of Frame Relay connection segments to an AIT.
DAX voice and low speed data connections are also supported, but they can’t terminate on an AIT.
The IPX interface shelf connects to the routing network via an AIT card on the IPX switch and a
BNI card on the BPX routing hub.
Admission control and ForeSight rate control for IPX interface shelf terminated Frame Relay
connections is performed at the FRP port on the IPX interface shelf. Only a single trunk line is
supported between the IPX interface shelf and the routing network. Trunks on the IPX interface shelf
linking other nodes are not supported.
Frame Relay type connections, remotely or locally terminated are supported on IPX interface
shelves. Interface shelf connections for which both endpoints reside on the same interface shelf are
not known to the routing network and will not route through the routing network.
IPX interface shelves support the following network management features:
• Interval Statistics enable/disable/collection
• IP Relay
• Robust Object Updates
• Robust Alarm Updates
• Real-time Counters
• Event Logging
• Software/Firmware Downloads