AT3-6ME Interface Adapter D-9
Upon power up, the system goes through power up diagnostics. The terminal displays the
diagnostics sequence. Upon successful self test the unit is available for operation. The terminal will
display the actual set up of the system represented by the DIP switches (see Table D-6). If the
configuration was overwritten through the TTY, the terminal will display the actual set up that could
be different then the dip switch setting.
Table D-6 DIP Switch Settings
Commands are entered after the user prompt. Commands are available to display the various error
counters and alarms associated with the T2 line and the T3 port interface, select the source of timing
for the DSU, and to enable and remove the remote loop. Table D-7 lists available commands for use
with the AT3-6ME terminal interface while Table D-8 indicates the display format.
Table D-7 Command Summary
0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
Command Parameters Meaning
? Help Menu.
dspstat Display status.
dspstat clear Clears the status display
Override dipsw 0
Disable TTY configuration entry.
Enable TTY configuration entry. Operates only when DIP
switch 1-1 is down.
Sync source 0
System is slaved to the 6M line.
System is slaved to the T3 line.
System runs of its internal clock.
Remote loop No of seconds
Enable remote loop back operation.
Cancel the loop back operation.