About This Manual xxvii
Chapter 9 Tag Switching
Provides a summary of tag switching on the BPX 8650 where the BPX
switch and associated series 7200 or 7500 router comprise a BPX 8650 Tag
Switch. Also provides configuration examples.
Chapter 10 BME Multicasting
Provides a description of BME multicasting and configuration examples.
Chapter 11 Repair and Replacement
Describes periodic maintenance procedures, troubleshooting procedures,
and the replacement of major BPX switch components.
Chapter 12 Frame Relay to ATM Network and Service Interworking
Describes frame relay to ATM interworking which allows users to retain
their existing Frame Relay services, and as their needs expand, migrate to the
higher bandwidth capabilities provided by BPX ATM networks. Frame
Relay to ATM Interworking enables frame relay traffic to be connected
across high-speed ATM trunks using ATM standard Network and Service
Chapter 13 Tiered Networks
Describes the tiered network configuration that provides the capability of
adding interface shelves/feeders (non-routing nodes) to an IPX/IGX/BPX
routing network.
Chapter 14 BPX SNMP Agent
Introduces the functions of the Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) agent and MIBs that are embedded in each BPX switch.
Appendix A BPX Node Specifications
Lists the BPX switch specifications.
Appendix B BPX Switch Cabling Summary
Provides details on the cabling required to install the BPX switch.
Appendix C BPX Switch Peripherals
Provide details on the specifications for peripherals used with the BPX
Appendix D AT3-6ME Interface Adapter
Describes the AT3-6M Interface Adapter, sometimes referred to as the
T3-T2 Interface Adapter, that may be used with the BPX switch to provide a
6 Mbps ATM network interface to T2 transmission facilities.