7-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
ATM Connection Requirements
When adding ATM connections, first the access port and access service lines connecting to the
customer CPE need to be configured. Also, the trunks across the network need to configured
appropriately for the type of connection. Following that the addcon command may be used to add a
connection, first specifying the service type and then the appropriate parameters for the connection.
For example, when configuring a BXM for CPE connections, the BXM is configured for port mode,
a line is upped with the upln command and configured with the cnfln command. Then the associated
port is configured with the cnfport command and upped with the upport command. Following this,
the ATM connections are added via the addcon command with the syntax.
Connection Routing
ATM connections for a BXM or ASI card are identified as follows:
• slot number (in the BPX switch shelf where the BXM or ASI is located)
• port number (one of the ATM ports on the BXM or ASI)
• Virtual Path Identifier (VPI)
• Virtual Circuit Identifier (VCI) – (* for virtual path connections)
The slot and port are related to the BPX switch hardware. Virtual path connections (VPCs) are
identified by a “*” for the VCI field. Virtual circuit connections (VCCs) are identified by both a VPI
and VCI field.
Connections added to the network are automatically routed once the end points are specified. This
AutoRoute feature is standard with all BPX, IGX, and IPX switches. The network automatically
detects trunk failures and routes connections around the failures.
Addcon Command Syntax
The following parameters are entered for BXM addcon command. Depending upon the connection
type, the user is prompted for the appropriate parameters as shown in the following:
addcon local_addr node remote_addr traffic_type....extended parameters
Note The range of VPIs and VCIs reserved for PVC traffic and SVC traffic is configurable using
the cnfport command. While adding connections, the system checks the entered VPI/VPC against
the range reserved for SVC traffic. If there is a conflict, the addcon command fails with the message
“VPI/VCI on selected port is reserved at local/remote end”.
Field Value Description
local/remote_addr slot.port.vpi.vci desired VCC or VPI connection identifier
node slave end of connection
traffic_type Type of traffic, chosen from CBR, VBR,
ABR, and UBR
extended parameters The traffic management and performance
parameters associated with an ATM