D-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference
Equipment Description
Front Panel Indicators
The front panel of the system provides LED indicators for the alarm status of the transmit and the
receive T3 and the T2 interfaces (refer to Table D-2 and Figure D-2). Also on the front panel are
indications for power and for operating status (Fail/Active).
The Overflow LED indicates that the cell rate coming from the T3 interface exceeds the bandwidth
of the T2 facility and that the Interface Adapter buffer has overflowed.
Table D-2 Front Panel Indicators
DIP Switches
The adapter has two front panel DIP switches, a two-position (SW-1), and a 12-position (SW-2)
switch. SW-1 controls the configurations that may interrupt operation and should be done through a
two-step operation. SW-2 enables all other configuration parameters.
Indicator Color Description
T3 Receive Status—AIS Green Alarm Indication signal detected on the RCV T3 line.
T3 Receive Status—RAI Yellow Remote Alarm Indication signal detected on the receive T3
T3 Receive Status—LOS Red Loss of receive T3 signal.
T3 Receive—LOF Red Loss of frame on receive T3 signal.
T3 Transmit Status—AIS Green Alarm Indication signal detected on the transmit T3 line.
T3 Transmit Status—RAI Yellow Remote Alarm Indication signal detected on the transmit T3
T3 Transmit Status—LOS Red Loss of transmit T3 signal.
T2 Receive Status—AIS Green Alarm Indication signal detected on the RCV T2 line.
T2 Receive Status—RAI Yellow Remote Alarm Indication signal detected on the receive T2
T2 Receive Status—LOS Red Loss of receive T2 signal.
T2 Receive—LOF Red Loss of frame on receive T2 signal.
T2 Transmit Status—AIS Green Remote Alarm Indication signal detected on the transmit T2
T2 Transmit Status—RAI Yellow Loss of transmit T2 signal.
T2 Transmit Status—LOS Red Loss of frame on transmit signal.
Overflow Red T3 receive cell rate exceeds the T2 line capacity.
FT2 Red Fractional T2 indication for future use.
T3/T2 loop Red Indicates the unit is in loop back mode, external toward the T3
and T2 line interfaces.
Active/Fail Green/Red Upon power up the system will go through extensive self tests.
If self-test passes, the Active/Fail LED will be green; if
self-test fails the LED will be RED.
Power Green Power ON indication.