Index 1
AAL 2-11
classes of traffic 2-11
AAL5 Frame Base Traffic Control 7-9
ABR 5-4
ABR (Available Bit Rate) 7-3
ABR and ATFST Connections 7-17
ABR Connection Policing 7-35
ABR STD 7-10
AC Power
Supplies 2-4
FastPacket to ATM 2-14
adaptation layers
and traffic classes 2-12
addshelf command 8-11
ADTF 7-10
air intake grille 2-3
AIT card 2-15
Alarm/Status Monitor 3-12
arbiter 3-3, 3-4
features 5-3, 5-12
Line Module 5-8, 5-10
line statistics 5-14
ASM (see Alarm/Status Monitor)
ASM controls 3-13
AT3-6M Interface Adapter xxvii, D-1
cell headers 2-8
cell switching 3-1
ATM adaptation layer 2-11
ATM connections
definition 7-1
ATM Forum Traffic Management 4.0 7-3
audience, for this document xxv
auto-dial modem C-6
Auto-grooming 8-2
AutoRoute 1-15, 1-19
Cost-based 1-21
BAM 2-13
BCC 3-1
Front Panel 3-6
BCC backcard 3-8
BCC-3-bc 3-8
BCC-bc 3-8
BNI clock modes 4-5
Cabling Summary B-1
enclosure 2-1
Features 1-3
peripherals specifications xxvii, C-1
shelf 2-1
BPX Addressing Mode 2-13
BPX Reference Manual xxviii
See Related documentation
BPX Service Node 8-2
Broadband Controller Card (BCC) 3-1, 3-2
BXM 6-2
BXM, ATM Connections 7-7
BXM-15 7-1
BXM-155 6-2
BXM-622 6-2, 7-1
BXM-T3/E3 6-2, 7-1
CAM 2-13
location 2-5
status 11-4
card shelf configuration 2-5
CBR 5-4, 5-12
CBR (Constant Bit Rate) 7-3
CBR Connections 7-13
CBR Single Leaky Bucket 7-23
CDVT(0+1) 7-9
cell headers
ATM 2-8
CI 7-4
Circuit Emulation Service 7-13
class of service 1-15
classes of traffic
associated AAL Layers 2-11
closed-loop 1-16, 7-5
Cloud Addressing Mode 2-13
CLP 7-9
CLP Hi 7-10
CLP Lo 7-10
cnflan 3-11
Command Reference Manual xxviii
See Related documentation
Common Core 2-16
congestion management 1-16, 7-5
Connection Parameters 7-9
configuring 5-4, 5-13
conventions, documentation xxviii
cooling fans 2-3, 3-12
Cost-based route selection
Also see Cost-based AutoRoute 1-21
crosspoint switch matrix 3-3