ATM Connections 7-11
ATM Connection Configuration
Table 7-4 Connection Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Description
PCR Peak cell rate:
The cell rate which the source may never exceed
%Util % Utilization; bandwidth allocation for: VBR, CBR, UBR it’s PCR*%Util, for ABR
it’s MCR*%Util
MCR Minimum Cell Rate:
A minimum cell rate committed for delivery by network
CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance:
Controls time scale over which the PCR is policed
FBTC (AAL5 Frame Basic Traffic
To enable the possibility of discarding the whole frame, not just one non-compliant
cell. This is used to set the Early Packet Discard bit at every node along a connection.
VSVD Virtual Source Virtual Destination:
(see Meaning of VSVD and Flow Control External Segments, Figure 7-7)
FCES (Flow Control External
(see Meaning of VSVD and Flow Control External Segments, Figure 7-7)
SCR Sustainable Cell Rate:
Long term limit on the rate a connection can sustain
MBS Maximum Burst Size:
Maximum number of cells which may burst at the PCR but still be compliant. Used to
determine the Burst Tolerance (BT) which controls the time scale over which the SCR
is policed
Policing (see definitions of Traffic Policing, Table 7-2)
VC QDepth VC Queue Depth
CLP Hi Cell Loss Priority Hi threshold (% of VC QMax)
CLP Lo/EPD Cell Loss Priority Low threshold (% of VC QMax)/Early Packet Discard. If AAL5
FBTC = yes, then for the BXM card this is the EPD threshold setting. For ASI cards,
regardless of the FBTC setting, this is the CLP Lo setting.
EFCI Explicit Forward Congestion Indication threshold (% of VC QMax)
ICR Initial Cell Rate:
The rate at which a source should send initially and after an idle period
ADTF (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term) The Allowed-Cell-Rate Decrease Factor:
Time permitted between sending RM-cells before the rate is decreased to ICR
Trm (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term) An upper bound on the time between forward RM-cells for an active source, i.e., RM
cell must be sent at least every Trm msec
RIF (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term) Rate Increase Factor:
Controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate may increase upon receipt of
an RM cell
RDF (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term) Rate Decrease Factor:
Controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate may decrease upon receipt of
an RM cell