Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show port channel
show port channel
To display EtherChannel information, use the show port channel command.
show port channel [all | mod[/port]] [statistics]
show port channel [all | mod[/port]] {info [type]}
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines The protocol conditions are as follows:
• On indicates the port will receive all the flood traffic for that protocol.
• Off indicates the port will not receive any flood traffic for that protocol.
• Auto indicates the port will not receive any flood traffic for that protocol.
The GVRP registration status is defined as follows:
• Normal allows dynamic registering and deregistering each VLAN (except VLAN 1) on the port.
• Fixed supports manual VLAN creation and registration and prevents VLAN deregistration.
• Forbidden statically deregisters all the VLANs (except VLAN 1) from the port.
When you enter the option keyword with any of the options (spantree | trunk | protocol | gmrp | gvrp
| qos | rsvp | cops | dot1qtunnel | auxiliaryvlan | jumbo), associated VLANs and the specified
feature-related parameters are displayed.
If you do not specify a mod or a port, EtherChannel information is shown for all PAgP channeling ports
on all modules.
If you enter the all keyword, information about PAgP and LACP channels is displayed.
all (Optional) Displays information about PAgP and LACP channels.
mod (Optional) Number of the module.
port (Optional) Number of the port on the module.
statistics (Optional) Displays statistics about the port (PAgP packets sent and received).
info (Optional) Displays port information such as speed, duplex status, priority,
secure or dynamic status, and trunk status.
type (Optional) Displays feature-related parameters; valid values are spantree,
trunk, protocol, gmrp, gvrp, qos, rsvp, cops, dot1qtunnel, auxiliaryvlan,
and jumbo.