Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set mls flow
set mls flow
To specify the minimum flow mask used for MLS, use the set mls flow command. This command is
needed to collect statistics for the supervisor engine.
set mls flow {destination | destination-source | full}
Caution Use this command carefully. This command purges all existing shortcuts and affects the number of
active shortcuts. This command can increase the cache usage and increase the load on the router.
Caution Be extremely careful if you enter this command on a switch that already has a large number of shortcuts
(greater than 16,000).
Caution Do not place this command in scripts that are frequently executed—changing the MLS flow mask purges
all MLS cache entries.
Syntax Description
Defaults If there are no access lists on any MLS-RP, the flow mask is set to destination flow.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines This command specifies the minimum MLS flow mask. Depending on the MLS-RP configuration, the
actual flow mask used might be more specific than the specified minimum flow mask. For example, if
you configure the minimum flow mask to destination-source, but an MLS-RP interface is configured
with IP extended access lists, the actual flow mask used will be full.
If you configure a more specific flow mask (for example, destination-source or full), the number of
active flow entries increases. To limit the number of active flow entries, you might need to decrease the
MLS aging time.
This command is intended to be used for gathering very detailed statistics at the protocol port level—for
example, when NetFlow data is exported to an RMON2 probe.
destination Sets the minimum flow mask to destination flow.
destination-source Sets the minimum flow mask to source flow.
full Sets the minimum flow mask to an extended access list.