Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
To switch the clock from the supervisor clock to the internal clock or from the active supervisor engine
to the standby supervisor engine, use the switch command.
switch {clock | supervisor}
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Examples This example shows how to switch the clock:
Console> (enable) switch clock
This command will reset system and force a clock switch-over.
Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]?
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to switch to the standby supervisor engine:
Console> (enable) switch supervisor
This command will force a switch-over to the standby Supervisor module.
Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]?
Console> (enable)
clock Switches the clock from the supervisor clock to the internal clock.
supervisor Switches from the active supervisor engine to the standby
supervisor engine.