Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show top report
This example shows how to display the available TopN report 2 (shown in the first example) for the
Console> show top report 2
Start Time: 03/09/2000,11:34:00
End Time: 03/09/2000,11:34:33
PortType: all
Metric: util
Port Band- Uti Tx/Rx-bytes Tx/Rx-pkts Tx/Rx-bcst Tx/Rx-mcst In- Buf-
width % err Ovflw
----- ----- --- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- -----
/15 100 88 98765432109876543210 9876543210 98765 12345 123 321
5/48 10 75 44532 5389 87 2 0 0
5/47 10 67 5432 398 87 2 0 0
5/46 10 56 1432 398 87 2 0 0
5/45 10 54 432 398 87 2 0 0
5/44 10 48 3210 65 10 10 15 5
5/43 10 45 432 5398 87 2 2 0
5/42 10 37 5432 398 87 2 0 0
5/41 10 36 1432 398 87 2 0 0
5/40 10 14 2732 398 87 2 0 0
Related Commands clear top
show top