Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set qos acl ip
The optional microflow microflow_name and aggregate aggregate_name keywords and variables are
used to configure policing in the ACE. Refer to the Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Software Configuration
Guide for additional policing rule information.
The src_ip_spec, optional precedence precedence, or dscp-field dscp keywords and variables are used
to configure filtering.
When you enter the ACL name, follow these naming conventions:
• Maximum of 31 characters long and may include a-z, A-Z, 0-9, the dash character (-), the underscore
character (_), and the period character (.)
• Must start with an alpha character and must be unique across all ACLs of all types
• Case sensitive
• Cannot be a number
• Must not be a keyword; keywords to avoid are all, default-action, map, help, and editbuffer
When you specify the source IP address and the source mask, use the form
source_ip_address source_mask and follow these guidelines:
• The source_mask is required; 0 indicates a “care” bit, and 1 indicates a “don’t-care” bit.
• Use a 32-bit quantity in four-part dotted-decimal format.
• Use the keyword any as an abbreviation for a source and source-wildcard of
• Use host source as an abbreviation for a source and source-wildcard of source
When you enter a destination IP address and the destination mask, use the form destination_ip_address
destination_mask. The destination mask is required.
• Use a 32-bit quantity in a four-part dotted-decimal format
• Use the keyword any as an abbreviation for a source and source-wildcard of
• Use host/source as an abbreviation for a destination and destination-wildcard of destination
Valid names for precedence are critical, flash, flash-override, immediate, internet, network, priority, and
Valid names for tos are max-reliability, max-throughput, min-delay, min-monetary-cost, and normal.
Valid protocol keywords include icmp (1), ip, ipinip (4), tcp (6), udp (17), igrp (9), eigrp (88),
gre (47), nos (94), ospf (89), ahp (51), esp (50), pcp (108), and pim (103). The IP protocol number is
displayed in parentheses. Use the keyword ip to match any Internet Protocol.
ICMP packets that are matched by ICMP message type can also be matched by the ICMP message code.
Valid names for icmp_type and icmp_code are administratively-prohibited, alternate-address,
conversion-error, dod-host-prohibited, dod-net-prohibited, echo, echo-reply,
general-parameter-problem, host-isolated, host-precedence-unreachable, host-redirect,
host-tos-redirect, host-tos-unreachable, host-unknown, host-unreachable, information-reply,
information-request, mask-reply, mask-request, mobile-redirect, net-redirect, net-tos-redirect,
net-tos-unreachable, net-unreachable, network-unknown, no-room-for-option, option-missing,
packet-too-big, parameter-problem, port-unreachable, precedence-unreachable, protocol-unreachable,
reassembly-timeout, redirect, router-advertisement, router-solicitation, source-quench,
source-route-failed, time-exceeded, timestamp-reply, timestamp-request, traceroute, ttl-exceeded, and