Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set qos acl ip
If the operator is positioned after the source and source-wildcard, it must match the source port. If the
operator is positioned after the destination and destination-wildcard, it must match the destination port.
The range operator requires two port numbers. All other operators require one port number only.
TCP port names can be used only when filtering TCP. Valid names for TCP ports are bgp, chargen,
daytime, discard, domain, echo, finger, ftp, ftp-data, gopher, hostname, irc, klogin, kshell, lpd, nntp,
pop2, pop3, smtp, sunrpc, syslog, tacacs-ds, talk, telnet, time, uucp, whois, and www.
UDP port names can be used only when filtering UDP. Valid names for UDP ports are biff, bootpc,
bootps, discard, dns, dnsix, echo, mobile-ip, nameserver, netbios-dgm, netbios-ns, ntp, rip, snmp,
snmptrap, sunrpc, syslog, tacacs-ds, talk, tftp, time, who, and xdmcp.
If no layer protocol number is entered, you can use this syntax:
set qos acl ip {acl_name} {dscp dscp | trust-cos | trust-ipprec | trust-dscp}
[microflow microflow_name] [aggregate aggregate_name] {src_ip_spec}
[before editbuffer_index | modify editbuffer_index]
If a Layer 4 protocol is specified, you can use this syntax:
set qos acl ip {acl_name} {dscp dscp | trust-cos | trust-ipprec | trust-dscp}
[microflow microflow_name] [aggregate aggregate_name] {protocol} {src_ip_spec}
{dest_ip_spec} [precedence precedence | dscp-field dscp] [before editbuffer_index |
modify editbuffer_index]
If ICMP is used, you can use this syntax:
set qos acl ip {acl_name} {dscp dscp | trust-cos | trust-ipprec | trust-dscp}
[microflow microflow_name] [aggregate aggregate_name] icmp {src_ip_spec}
{dest_ip_spec} [icmp_type [icmp_code] | icmp_message] [precedence precedence |
dscp-field dscp] [before editbuffer_index | modify editbuffer_index]
If TCP is used, you can use this syntax:
set qos acl ip {acl_name} {dscp dscp | trust-cos | trust-ipprec | trust-dscp}
[microflow microflow_name] [aggregate aggregate_name] tcp {src_ip_spec} [{operator}
{port} [port]] {dest_ip_spec} [{operator} {port} [port]] [established]
[precedence precedence | dscp-field dscp] [before editbuffer_index |
modify editbuffer_index]
If UDP is used, you can use this syntax:
set qos acl ip {acl_name} {dscp dscp | trust-cos | trust-ipprec | trust-dscp}
[[microflow microflow_name] [aggregate aggregate_name] udp {src_ip_spec} [{operator}
{port} [port]] {dest_ip_spec} [{operator {port} [port]] [precedence precedence |
dscp-field dscp] [before editbuffer_index | modify editbuffer_index]
Examples This example shows how to define a TCP access list:
Console> (enable) set qos acl ip my_acl trust-dscp microflow my-micro tcp eq port 21
my_acl editbuffer modified. Use ‘commit’ command to apply changes.
Console> (enable)