Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show mls statistics
show mls statistics
To display MLS statistics information in the MLS-based Catalyst 6500 series switches, use the show mls
statistics command.
show mls statistics protocol
show mls statistics entry [mod]
show mls statistics entry ip [mod] [destination ip_addr_spec] [source ip_addr_spec]
[protocol protocol [src-port src_port] [dst-port dst_port]]
show mls statistics entry ipx [mod] [destination ipx_addr_spec] [source ipx_addr_spec]
show mls statistics entry uptime
Syntax Description
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
protocol Specifies a route processor.
entry Specifies the entry type.
mod (Optional) Number of the MSFC; valid values are 15 or 16.
entry Displays statistics based on the specified option.
ip Specifies IP MLS.
destination (Optional) Specifies the destination IP address.
ip_addr_spec (Optional) Full IP address or a subnet address in the following formats: ip_addr,
ip_addr/netmask, or ip_addr/maskbit.
source (Optional) Specifies the source IP address.
(Optional) Specifies additional flow information (protocol family and protocol
port pair) to be matched; valid values are from 1 to 255, ip, ipinip, icmp, igmp,
tcp, and udp.
(Optional) Specifies the source port IP address.
(Optional) Specifies the destination port IP address.
ipx Specifies IPX MLS.
ipx_addr_spec (Optional) Full IPX address or a subnet address in one of the following formats:
src_net/[mask], dest_net.dest_node, or dest_net/mask.
uptime Displays up time and aging time.