Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show counters
show counters
To display hardware counters for a port, all ports on a module, or a supervisor engine, use the show
counters command.
show counters {mod | mod/port}
show counters supervisor
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default setting.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines The “Last-Time-Cleared” timestamp at the end of the show counters {mod | mod/port} command output
is either the last time the counters were cleared on the specified port or the last time that the module was
inserted or the switch was reset, whichever happened last.
Examples This example shows how to display the counters for module 2, port 1:
Note The counters displayed may change depending on the module type queried.
Console> show counters 2/1
Generic counters version 1
64 bit counters
0 rxHCTotalPkts = 2170558
1 txHCTotalPkts = 2588911
2 rxHCUnicastPkts = 2142669
3 txHCUnicastPkts = 2585457
4 rxHCMulticastPkts = 19552
5 txHCMulticastPkts = 1789
6 rxHCBroadcastPkts = 8332
7 txHCBroadcastPkts = 1665
8 rxHCOctets = 190513843
9 txHCOctets = 227423299
10 rxTxHCPkts64Octets = 20996
11 rxTxHCPkts65to127Octets = 4737279
12 rxTxHCPkts128to255Octets = 1170
13 rxTxHCPkts256to511Octets = 16
14 rxTxHCpkts512to1023Octets = 8
mod Number of the module.
mod/port Number of the module and the port.
supervisor Displays counters for the supervisor engine.