Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set qos txq-ratio
set qos txq-ratio
To set the amount of packet buffer memory allocated to high-priority traffic and low-priority traffic, use
the set qos txq-ratio command.
set qos txq-ratio port_type queue1_val queue2_val... queueN_val
Syntax Description
Defaults The default for 2q2t is 80:20 if you enable QoS and 100:0 if you disable QoS. The default for 1p2q2t is
70:15:15 if you enable QoS and 100:0:0 if you disable QoS.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines
Caution Use caution when using this command. When entering the set qos txq-ratio command, all ports go
through a link up and down condition.
The values set in hardware will be close approximations of the values provided. For example, even if you
specify 0 percent, the actual value programmed will not necessarily be 0.
The txq ratio is determined by the traffic mix in the network. Because high-priority traffic is typically a
smaller fraction of the traffic and because the high-priority queue gets more service, you should set the
high-priority queue lower than the low-priority queue.
The strict-priority queue requires no configuration.
For the strict-priority queue on 1p2q1t egress ports, the minimum valid value is 5 percent.
port_type Port type; valid values are 2q2t, 1p2q2t, and 1p2q1t.
queue1_val Percentage of low-priority traffic; valid values are from 1 to 99 and must
total 100 with the queue2_val value.
queue2_val Percentage of high-priority traffic; valid values are from 1 to 99 and must
total 100 with the queue1_val value.
queueN_val Percentage of strict-priority traffic; valid values are from 1 to 99 and must
total 100.