Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show tech-support
show tech-support
To display system and configuration information you can provide to the Cisco Technical Assistance
Center when reporting a problem, use the show tech-support command.
show tech-support [{module mod} | {port mod/port}] [vlan vlan] [mistp-instance instance]
[mst instance] [memory] [config]
Syntax Description
Defaults By default, this command displays the output for technical-support-related show commands. Use
keywords to specify the type of information to be displayed. If you do not specify any parameters, the
system displays all configuration, memory, module, port, instance, and VLAN data.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines
Caution Avoid running multiple show tech-support commands on a switch or multiple switches on the network
segment. Doing so may cause spanning tree instability.
The show tech-support command may time out if the configuration file output takes longer to display
than the configured session timeout time. If this happens, enter a set logout timeout value of 0 to disable
automatic disconnection of idle sessions or enter a longer timeout value.
The show tech-support command output is continuous; it does not display one screen at a time. To
interrupt the output, press Ctrl-C.
module mod (Optional) Specifies the module number of the switch ports.
port mod/port (Optional) Specifies the module and port number of the switch
vlan vlan (Optional) Specifies the VLAN; valid values are from 1 to 1001 and
from 1025 to 4094.
(Optional) Specifies the MISTP instance number; valid values are
from 1 to 16.
mst instance (Optional) Specifies the MST instance number; valid values are
from 0 to 15.
memory (Optional) Displays memory and processor state data.
config (Optional) Displays switch configuration.