Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
You can also specify device1:monlib-filename as the device and filename to be used, as follows:
format device1: [device1: [monlib-filename]]
If monlib-filename is omitted, the system formats device1: using the built-in monlib file on the device.
Note When the system cannot find a monlib file, the system terminates the formatting process.
Note If the Flash device has a volume ID, you must provide the volume ID to format the device. The volume
ID is displayed using the show flash m/device: filesys command.
Examples This example shows how to format a Flash PC card:
Console> (enable) format slot0:
All sectors will be erased, proceed (y/n) [n]?y
Enter volume id (up to 31 characters):
Formatting sector 1
Format device slot0 completed.
Console> (enable)