Configuring System Settings
41-001190-01 Rel. 1.1, Rev. 00 4-9
Configuring AastraLink Pro 160 System and Network Parameters
Configuring the Music On Hold Option
The AastraLink provides a default audio file for the Music on Hold feature. You
have the option to upload a custom audio file for Music on Hold. The audio file
format must be as follows: Microsoft WAV format, 8KHz PCM, mono, 16-bit
signed linear. The audio source can either be a WAV file, or a direct connection
between the AastraLink Pro 160 Music on Hold stereo jack (located on the back
of the device) and an audio device (CD player).
AastraLink Web UI
Step Action
1Select Configuration->System->Music on Hold.
2 In the “Source” field, specify the source of the Music on Hold: either an audio file, or a direct
connection (line in) between the AastraLink device and an audio device. Valid values are:
• Default (default setting)
• Line In
• Audio File
Note: The current audio file (default file) is listed in the “Current Audio File” field. In the screen in
Step 1, the audio file name is “larencontre.wav”.