Smooth Transitions
For smoother transitions, MPEG files in the same playlist should
be encoded at the same resolution and size (height x width).
SMPTE time codes are not recognized properly
Some SMPTE tracks loose information during compression and
may not "trigger" events as required. It is recommended to encode
these tracks "hot"--adding approximately +6 db to the track while
encoding. Again, testing is essential to account for variances in
encoders and SMPTE devices involved. Note: Simple audio
filters and or unbalanced to balanced transformers, used at the
installation site, are also useful in eliminating "noise" and cleaning
up the SMPTE signal.
Filename Already Exists
This is considered a non-fatal error and you will be given the
opportunity through the dialog box below to make the decision as
to how to handle this condition.
FTPing Font Files (.ttf)
When FTPing font files (.ttf) set FTP to binary files.
Insufficient Disk Space
A check for this condition will be performed after you confirm the
intent to copy files, but before the actual copying begins. This
check compares the total amount of space required to copy all
selected files against the available disk space on the internal
storage. A safety margin of 300 MB available disk space will have
to remain after the copy for this test to pass.