To op en t he dispen ser, turn t he cap to the " ope n" (le ft) arrow and l ift i t o ut.
Po ur t he ri nse aid int o th e disp en ser, be ing carefu l n ot t o o verfi ll .
Replace the cap b y inserting it aligned w ith " open" arrow and t urning it t o the closed (right) arrow.
Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser
The r inse aid dis penser has six or four sett ings. Alw ays sta rt with the di spens er
set o n "4". If spots and p oor dryin g are a prob lem, incre ase the amo unt of r inse
aid d ispensed b y r emovin g the di spenser lid an d rot ating t he d ial to "5". If the
dishes s till are not dr yi ng prope rly o r are s how spots , adjust th e di al to t he n ext
highe r lever un til your dish es a re sp ot-fr ee. The recommend ed set ting is "4".
(Factory value is "4".)
Increase the dose if there are drops of wateror limespots on the dishes after washing.
Reduce it if there are sticky whitis h stains on your dishes or a bluish film on glassware or
knife blades.
As t he ri nse aid dimin ishes, th e siz eo f th e black do t
onthe rinse aid level indicator changes, as illustrated below.
1 / 4 full - Should refill to eliminate spotting
Em pty
Adjust lever
When to Refill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
If th ere is no ri nse-aid warnin g ligh t in t he contr ol panel, you can est imat e the amount from th e col our
of the op tical level indicator C loc ated ne xt to t he cap. When th e rinse-a id conta iner is full, the whole
indicato r will be dark .As the r inse -aid diminishes, the size o f the dark dot de creases. You shou ld neve r let
t he rinse ai d lev el fa l l 1 / 4 full.
durin g the next wash. Don' t for get t o re plac e the cap before you clos e dis hwa sher d oor.
Clean u p an y ri ns e aid spill ed while du ring fi ll i ng with an ab so r be nt cl oth t o av oid ex ce ssiv e foam ing
Deterge nts with its c hemic al ingredie nts are ne cessary t o rem ove dirt , c rush dirt and tr ansport it o ut of the di shwashe r.
Most of the commercial quality detergents are suitable for this purpose.
D. Function of Detergent
Thereare 3 sorts of det e rge nts
1.With phosphate and withchlorine
2.With phos phate and wit hout chlorine
3.Wi thout ph osphate and with out chlorine
C (R ins e- A id in d ic ato r)