For b est pe rforma nce of th e dish washe r, f oll ow the se loadi ng gu ideline s. Featur es an d
appea rance of bask ets and cut ler y basket s may va ry f rom yo ur m odel.
Attention before or after Loading the Dishwasher Baskets
Scr ape off any large a mou nts of leftov er foo d. Soft en r emnants of burnt food in p ans.
It is not ne cessar y to r inse the dishes under runni ng wat er.
Plac e object s in t he dishw asher in follo wing way:
1.Items s uch as c ups, gl asses, p ots/pan s, etc. are face d downw ards.
2.Curved items, or ones w ith r ecesses, sho uld b e loaded aslant so that water ca n run off.
3.All utensils are stacked securely and can not tip over.
4.All ut ensils are pl ace d in the way t ha t the spray a rms can r otat e fre ely dur ing wash ing.
Very sma ll ite ms shou ld not be washe d in t he dishw ash er as t hey c ould easi ly fall ou t of th e baske ts.
Bowl M Bowl L() ()
Dessert plate
(Eg g )
Grav y ladle
Loading the Upper Rack
The up pe r ra ck is desig n ed to hol d mor e deli c ate and l ighter di shw are such as gl as ses, c of fe e
and t ea c up a nd sauc ers, as well as pl ates, sm all bowls and sha llow pa ns (as lo ng a s the y ar e
not too d irty).
Pos ition the dishes a nd cookw are so t hat they do n ot g et m ove d by the spray of wate r.
Upper wheels
Lower wheels
Adjusting the Upper Basket
Th e height of the upper basket can be a dj usted i n order to create m ore space for lar ge u tensils
both for the upper/lower basket. The height of the upper basket canbe adjusted by placing the
wheels on di fferent heigh t of the r ails. Lo ng item s, ser ving cu tlery, sala d server s an d knives
should be pl aced o n the s helf so t hat the y do not o bstr uct t he rota ti on o f the s pray a rms.
Th e shelf ca n be fold ed b ack or b e removed when not requ ired for use.