The cont rol panel can be clea ned by u sing a lightly dampened c loth.
Afte r cleaning, make sure to dr y it tho roug hly.
For the e x t e rior, us e a good a pp li anc e polish w ax .
Never use s harp obj ects, sco uring pads o r har sh c lean ers on a ny p art o f the dis hwa sher.
Protect Again st Freezing
1.Cut off the electrical power to the dishwasher.
2.Turn off th e wat er suppl y and disco nnect the w ater inl et pipe from the w ater valve.
3.Drain the water from the inlet pipe and water valve. (Use a pan to catch thewater)
4.Reconnect the water i nlet pipe t o the water val ve.
5.Remove the filter at the bott om of the tub and use a sponge to soak up wate r in the sump.
pl ease take fros t protection measures o n the di shwasher in wint er. Every fter washi ng cycles,
pl ease op erate as f ollows
time a
Caring for the Dishwasher
- Inspec t the filter s for blo ckin g after e ver y time t he dis hwa sher has be en used .
- By unscrewing the c oar se fi lter, you can r emove the filter syst em. Re mov e any foo d remna nts and
clean the filters under running water.
Cleaning the Filter
Cleaning The Door
To cl ean t h e c o a rs e fil t er a nd the fi n e f i l t e r, us e a clea ning bru sh. Reas se m ble the f ilt er par t s as s ho wn in t h e f igu res
on th e la st page a nd r eins ert t he enti re ass emb ly in the dis hwa sher, pos itio ning it in it s seat and pressing dow nwa rds .
The entire filter assembly should be cleaned once a week.
When cleaning the filters, don't knock on them. Otherwise, the filters could b e
contorted and the performance of the dishwasher couldbe decreased.
To cle an th e edge around t he door, you sho uld u se only a sof t warm, d am p cloth.
To avoid pene trati on of wa ter in to the d oor lock and el ectrical component s, do not
use a spray cleaner of any kind.
Never u se a spr ay c leaner t o clean t he door panel as it m ay dam age the door loc k
and electrical components.
Abr asive ag ents or some paper towels s hou ld not be us ed becau se of the ris k of
sc r a t c hing or l eaving sp ot s on the stai n less stee l sur fa ce.
Cleaning the Spray Arms
It is necessary to cl ean the sp ray arms regul arly in or der to
remove the a ccumulation of scale f rom the hard water
and t hus preve nt blocki ng of spr ay arm jets and bearings.
We Su ggest to poke the blo cked spray arm jets with a needle
to e nsure good washing effect.
I f y ou r di shwa she r cannot w or k be ca u s e of the i c e, pl e a se co nta ct pr ofe ss ional serv ice p er so ns.