Amount of Detergent to Use
Proper U se of De terg ent
Use o nly deterge nt speci fically m ade for t he us e in dish was hers . Keep your det ergent fr esh and dry.
Don't put powdereddetergent into the dispenser until you're ready towash dishes.
Dishwash er detergen t is co rrosive! Ta ke car e to kee p it out of reach of c hildren.
Based on their chemical composition, detergents can be split in two basic types:
The use of normal washing programs in combination with concentrated detergents
redu ces poll utio n and is g ood for your dish es; these wa sh p rogr ams are specificall y mat che d
to the di rt-di ssol ving pro pe rti es o f the enz ymes of the concen t rated deterg ent . For this reas on
normal wash programsin which concentrated detergents areused canachieve the same
results that can otherwise onlybe achieved using intensive programs.
Detergent tablets of different brandsdissolve at different speeds. For this reasonsome
dete rgen t tablets ca nnot diss olve and dev elop the ir ful l cleaning po wer dur ing s hort
prog rams. There fore plea se u se l ong program s wh en u sing de terg ent table ts, t o
ensure the c ompl et e r e mova l of d e t er g e n t r e si dual s.
The dispenser m ust be refille d before the star t of e ach wash cy cle f ollowing the inst ructions
provided i n the w ash cycle ta ble . You r dis hwa sher uses less de terg ent and rins e aid t han
Conventional dishwasher. Generally, only one tablespoon of detergent is needed for
a normal wash load. More heavily soileditems need more detergent. Always addthe
dete rgen t jus t before star ting the dish was her, oth erwis e it coul d ge t damp and will not
di s solv e properl y.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Tablets
Detergent Dispenser
Always a dd the d etergent just before start ing each w ash cycle.
Only use branded detergent aidfor dishwasher.
If th e lid is cl osed: press release button. The l id will sp ring open.
conventional, alkaline detergents with caustic components
l ow a lkal ine conc ent ra ted d eter ge nts wi t h natur a l enzy mes
Normally ne w pul ver ised det ergent is with out phospha te. Thus the wate r softener fu nction o f
phosph ate is not given. In t h i s c a se we re com me nd to f il l s a l t i n th e sal t co ntain er ev en whe n
the h ardness o f water is o nly 6 d H. If dete rgents w itho ut phosphate are used in the case of h ard water
often wh ite spots app ear on d ishe s and glasse s. I n this case pl ease add more d eter gent to r each
better resul ts . Dete rg en ts wi tho ut ch lor in e do only bl e ac h a li t tl e. Str o ng and c ol o u red sp o t s w i ll no t
be re moved com plete ly. I n this ca se pleas e choos e a progr am with a higher tempera ture.