Befo re u sing your dishwa sher for the first time:
Th e wat er soften er must be s et m an ually, using the w ater ha rd ness di al.
Th e wat er soften er is des igned to r emove min eral s and sa lts fr om the water, wh ich would ha ve
a detrimentalor adverse effect on the operation of the appliance.Theh igher the
content of th ese mineral s and sal ts, the har der your w ater is. The s ofte ner s hould b e
adju sted according t o the ha rdness o f the water in you r area. Your loca l Wa ter Authority
can advise you on the hardness ofthewater inyour area.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
Th e dishwas her is de sig ned to allow for adjus tment in the am ount of salt co nsumed bas ed o n the ha rdne ss o f
the water used. This is intended to optimise and customise thelevel o f salt consumption.
1. Unscrew the cap from the salt container.
2. Ther e is a r ing on the con tainer wi th an a rrow on it (see figure
on theside), ifnecessary, rotate the ring in the anticlockwise
dire ction fromth e "- " Setting toward the "+" sign, based on the
hardne ss of the w at er being u se d.
It is recomm ende d that a djust me nts shou ld be made i n
acco rd ance wit h the foll owing sc hem e:
Contact your local water bo ard for inf ormation on t he hardne ss of your wat er supply.
mm ol /l
0~1 40~8 0~1.4
14~398~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~45 3.9~8 Mid 4 0 25
60 16
Clar ke
Clark: British degree
fH: French degree
DH : Ger man degr ee
dH=1.25 Clarke=1.78 fH=0.178mmol/l
Selector Position
Salt consumption
Aut o nomy
Pl eas e fol lo w the st eps bel ow f or a djus tmen t in salt cons umpt ion .
"+ "
the "-" si gn and "+" sign
No sa lt need added
45~60 80~107 56~75 8~11
A. Water Softener
A. Set the w ater sof tener
C. Fi ll the r ins e ai d d ispen s er
D. Fill in detergent
B. Add 1.5K g dishw asher sa lt an d then f ull fill t he salt contain er with w ater