The filter prev ent s lar ger remnants of food or o ther obj ects from getting insi de the pu m.
The residues may block the filter, in this case they must be removed.
The fi lter syst em consists of a coar se fi lter, a flat (Main f ilter )
A n d a mi c ro fi lter( F i ne fi l ter) .
Food and soil particles trapped in this filter arepulverized by a
specia l jet on t he lower spray a rm an d washe d down to drain.
Larger item s, s uc h as piec es of bo ne s o r gl as s, that could bl o ck
the drain aretrapped in the coarse filter. To remove the items
caugh t by the fil ter, gen tly s que eze the t ap o n th e top of this
filterand lift out.
Thisfilter holds soil and food residues in the sump areaand
prevents itfrom being redeposit on the dishes during washcycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Filtering System
Filter assembly
The filter efficiently
For best perfo rmance and res ults, the filte r must be cle aned re gula rly. t his reaso n, it is a goo d ide a to
r emove t he la rger foo d particl es trapp ed in the filte r aft er e ach was h cyc le by rin sing the s em icirc ular filte r and
c up u nder runnin g wat er. To re move th e fil ter de vice , pull th e cup ha ndle in t he upwar d direction.
re moves f ood parti cle s fro m the wa sh w ater, all owin g it to be rec ycle d dur ing the cycl e.
T he dishwas her m us t n e ver be used w it hout the fil t er s.
Imp ro per replace ment of the f ilter may red uce the perform anc e level o f the applian ce
and damage dishes and utensils.
St ep 1 Turn the filter in ant i-clo ckwis e direction,
t hen lif t it up.
St ep 2 l ift the Main fil te r up:
Step 3 lift theF ine filter up:
When following this procedure fro m step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from Step 3 to Step 1, the filter system will be installed.