1. The salt contai ner mu st only be refil led when the sal t warning light in the cont rol panel comes on.
Depend ing on how wel l the s alt diss olve s, th e salt warni ng light may stil l be on even t ho ugh the
salt cont ainer is filled .
If the re is n o salt w arning light i n the con trol p anel (fo r some Mode ls),you can e stimate when t o f ill
the s alt i nto the softener by th e cycles that the dishwasher has run.
2. If there a re spi lls of the salt , a soak or a rapid pr ogram s hould be run to remove t he excessive sa lt.
Always use the salt int ended for use wi th dishw asher.
The s alt c ont ain er is l ocated ben eath the l ower bas ket and sh ould b e fill ed as e xplained i n the
foll ow ing:
Only use salt spe cifi call y desi gne d for the use in di shwash ers! E very other type of
salt n ot speci fically de sig ned fo r the u se in ad ishwa sher, espe cially table salt, wi ll
damage the w ater softener. I n case of damages caused b y the use of un suitab le
salt t he ma nufact urer does not g ive any wa rranty nor is liabl e for a ny damage s caused.
Only fill wi th salt just b efore star ting one of the co mp lete was hing programs.
This wi ll p reve nt any g rains of s alt or sa lty wate r, wh ich ma y have been spilled,
remain ing on th e bottom of the machi ne for any pe riod of t ime, which may cause
c o rr osio n.
B. Loading the Salt Into the Softener
C. Fill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
Th e rinse aid is relea se d d uring t he final ri nse to pr event water from for ming drop lets on yo ur dis he s, w hic h can leave
spots and st reaks. It al so improve s dryi ng by allow ing water t o roll off the di shes . Your di shwasher is designed to
use l iqu id rins e aids. The r inse a id dispense r is located inside the d oor next to the detergent di spens er. To fill the
dispenser, open the cap and pour the rinse aidinto the dispenser until the level indicator turnsc ompletely black.
The vol ume of t he rins eai d container is about 110ml.
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse ai d is automa tic ally a dded d uring the las t ri nse, ensur ing th orough rin sing, and spo t and s treak fr ee drying.
Only use branded rinse aid for dishwasher. Never fill the rinse aid dispenser with anyother substances
(e.g. Dishwasher cle aning ag ent, liqu id deterge nt) . This would damage t he app lian ce.
A Remove the lower basket and then unscrew andremovethe cap from the salt container.
se a fun n el to f ill t he s alt c ont ai ne r wit h a bout 1.5 k g of dis hwash er s a lt,
th en please re m ove the sa lt f unnel fro m all p ro duc ti on.
Full fill the salt container with water.It is normal for a small amount of water to come
out of the salt container.
D Af ter f il ling the co ntainer , screw the cap t ightly bac k clo ckwise.
E Usually, the salt warning light will st op bei ng il luminat ed with in 2- 6 days af te r the sa lt c ont ain er ha s be en fi lled wi t h
sal t.
F Immediat ely af ter f ill ing the salt into the salt c ontaine r, a wa shing progr am s hould be start ed (We sugges t to use the
soak or rapid program ). O the rwi se the filter system, pum p or other importan t part s of the machine may be damaged
by s alty w ater. This is out of warr anty.