Premi se:
1. A cycle that is und erway can on ly be modif ied if it has only been running
for a short tim e. Other wise, t he deter gent may h ave alrea dy been released ,
and t he appli ance may have alrea dy d rained t he wash water. If th is is t he case,
the deter gen t dispens er must be refil led (se e the s ection entitled " Loadi ng the
Detergent " ).
2. Press current prog. Button more than 3 secondsto cancel the program ,
then you can chan ge the p rogr am to the d es ired cy cle s etting (s ee the section
entitl ed " St arting a wash cyc le. . . " ).
3. Pre ss o ne of ot hers pr og. But to n more t han 3 s econds t o cancel the runi ng progr am ,
transla se the pro gram w hich you p ress.
4. Pre ss t he displ ay button more tha n 3 s econds to re -edit d isp lay ti me .
It is dangerous to open the door when washing, because the hot water may scald you.
When the working cycl e has f i nis hed , the bu z zer of the d i sh was h e r w ill s ound f or 8 seconds, t hen stop . T u r n o ff
t he applian ce usi ng th e ON/OFF b ut to n, sh ut of f the wate r s upply a n d o pen t he d o or of t h e dish was her.
Wait for afew minutesbefore unloading thedishwasher to avoidhandlingthe dishes and utensilswhile they
are still hot and m ore suscept ible to break age. The y will al so dry better.
Open the door carefully.
H ot d ishes ar e sensit ive t o kno cks. The di shes should therefore be allow ed t o cool down around 1 5 minutes
befor e removi ng from the appli anc e.
O pen the dish washer' s door, leave i t aj ar and w ait a f ew min utes before r emoving the dis hes. In this way they
w ill be cooler and the dr ying wi ll b e imp roved.
Unloading the dishwasher
It is normal t hat th e dishwashe r is we t insid e.
Empt y the low er basket f irst a nd th en the upper on e. This wi ll av oid wate r dripping f ro m the uppe r Bas ket onto
the dishes in the lower on e.
Turning On the Appliance
Change the Program...
Forgot to Add a Dish?
Starting a cycle wash
1 Draw out the lower and upper basket, load the dishesand push them back.
It is com mended to load t he lower bask et f irst, then the upp er o ne (s ee t he s ectio n entitled
Loading the Dishwasher ).
2 P our in t he de t e rg en t ( see th e secti on e ntitled Sa l t, De t ergen t an d Rin se Ai d ).
3 Inse rt the plu g in to th e socket . The power s upply is 220-240 VAC /50 HZ , the specific ation of t he
socket is 10A 25 0VAC. M ake sure that the wa ter suppl y is turne d on to f ull p ress ure.
Ope n the doo r, p ress t he ON/OFF butt on, a nd t he ON/O FF li ght wil l turn on.
Press th e progra m button to a sire d wash c ycle . and close th e door . Afte r 3 se conds, the m ach ine will work.
A forgotten dish can be added at any time before the detergent cup opens.
Load the forgotten dishes.
Close the door, the dishwasher will start running again
after 10 seconds.
After the spray arms stop working,you can open the door
Open the door a little to stop the washing.
2. Tur n off the wate r ta p!
1.Switc h off the di shwa she r by pressing the ON/OFF button.
Th e buzze r of the d ishwasher m oos for 8 se con ds, o nly in th is ca se th e programm e has en ded.
Switch Off the Dishwasher