I f you use 3i n1 ta blets in other pr ograms, t he appliance wil l not achieve a go od p erfo rmance.
Only the 3in 1 fun cti on(f or the prog ram: i nt ensi ve/N ormal /E co.) Can be used wit h 3in 1 ta blet s.
Fill the d etergent dispens er with d eter gent.
Th e m ark ing in d i c ates th e dos ing l evels , as
i ll us tra ted o n the r igh t:
Th e place o f main wash cycle deterg ent plac ed ,
M IN me ans approxi mate ly 20 g of deter gen t.“”
Th e place o f pr e-wash c ycle det erge nt p laced ,
app roximat ely 5 g of detergen t
Please o bser ve the manu facturers dosing and sto rage
Recommendations as statedon thedetergent packaging.
Clos e the lid and press until it locks in plac e.
I f th e di shes a r e heavi ly so i l ed, plac e a n ad diti o nal
detergen t do se in the pre-wash det ergent cha mber. This d eter gent will take effect d urin g the pre -wash phas e.
Fill in Detergent
You find in formatio n about the a mount o f deterg ent for th esi ngle pro gram me on the last page .
Pl eas e aware, tha t accord ing t o the lev el soi ling and the spec ific har dnes s of wat er d ifference s are po ssibl e.
Please observe themanufacturer's recommendations onthe detergent packaging.
When us ing 3in1 combination / com pact D etergents ,pleas e pay atten tion to make s ure that
the size of the combi nation detergent s fits to the di spenser so th at combinat ion
deterge nts can b e ea sily p ut into t he dispense r, and the d ispen ser wou ld not be bro ken.
Your dish was her has a 3i n1 functio n which nee ds no sa lt and ri nse aid bu t a 3In1 tabl et.
This dishwasher c om esw ith a 3in 1 tablet co ntaine r as an accessory.
1. The figure below shows how to hang the 3in1 tablet container on the upper basket.
2. Rot ate the up per spra yer an d change the locat ion o f the cont ainer to en sure the uppe r sp rayer is not
obstructed by the 3in 1 tabletcontainer. Refer to the figure below for reference.
3. Put the 3in1 tablet into the container ,then start the 3in1 program.
How To Use The 3IN1 Function